Lion Heart Education Ltd – Transform Stress to Calm

“Take control of what you can- your physiology”

Ever wished you or your team had techniques to transform accumulative stress levels, anxiety and pressure – into High Performance?

We’re all subjected to some level of stress and sometimes on a daily basis! It is the “continual” reacting in fight/flight (unnecessarily) that causes 75-90% of visits to our health care providers.  Continually reacting to little irritations that easily build into bigger frustrations can create low mood, motivation and performance.

You can stop habitually reacting to situations and “reset” your physiology into the high performance zone. This is what you can control!

Using the self-regulation system I facilitate you can “reset” your nervous system and hormonal system.  The technique can be measured with technology. You will learn to identify your stressors and their effects, and how to integrate this self-regulation technique into your daily life.  It can become unconscious with a little sincere practice.

It’s like riding a bike, you practice at first and then you implement it because you love it.  You can do it anywhere in your World – you are back in charge of your life!


In 1998 I received my Diploma in Gestalt Psychotherapy and I am specialised and licensed in a self-regulation system that transforms stress, overwhelm and anxiety. For over thirty years I have worked in the field developing both personal and professional potential.

Because of the times we live in I specialise in supporting people to learn an effective self-management system to intervene and prevent accumulative stress. Implementing this system  creates increased deliberateness, resilience and health (mentally, emotionally and physically).

One of my passions is the volunteer work I provide in some schools around Wellington.

In my private practice I support individuals and families to learn this effective system to enjoy life more and feel more in charge.  I have had great success supporting clients to transform the effects of bullying and shift out of feeling victimised.

For client feedback please check this link:

Phone Number
1/199 Townsend Rd Miramar Wellington, 6022