Thorndon Dental

Thorndon Dental, located at 246 Tinakori Rd in Wellington, is a well-regarded dental practice that offers a wide variety of services, catering to both functional and also cosmetic needs. With an emphasis on patient comfort and also satisfaction, the clinic has established itself as a trusted provider of dental care in the Wellington area.

The practice offers a comprehensive range of treatments, consisting of both advanced restorative and cosmetic dentistry. This includes crowns and bridges, white fillings, root canals, and also emergency treatments. The clinic is also specialized in various cosmetic procedures such as porcelain veneers, Invisalign Clear Aligner, teeth whitening, and also smile design/makeover. They even provide surgical options like extractions, knowledge tooth elimination, and also dental implants.

What sets Thorndon Dental apart is their commitment to the patient’s experience. Their patient-focused approach ensures that the first visit is pleasant, efficient, and also restful. With a comfortable office, compassionate dentists, and minimally-invasive treatments, they strive to make each patient feel at ease. Testimonials from pleased customers confirm their ability to provide high-quality care, even for those who might have a fear of the dental expert.

In addition to their top quality service, they offer free parking for patients and work as an ACC-registered dental services provider. This allows them to cover dental treatment costs in the event of an accident, reflecting their consideration for various patient needs.

Perhaps one of one of the most commendable offerings is their initiative to provide free dental care for teenagers in Year 9, continuing until they turn 18 or leave school/tertiary education. This not just shows their commitment to the community but also their dedication to making dental care obtainable to all.

With their wide range of services, patient-focused approach, and special offerings like free parking and free dentistry for teenagers, Thorndon Dental emerges as a reliable and caring dental supplier in Wellington. Their focus on affordability as well as high-quality service has made them a preferred choice for many residents in the area.

Phone Number
246 Tinakori Rd Thorndon Wellington 6011 New Zealand